The Bed Centre

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Replace your mattress: 6 signs to look for in 2023

Knowing how often and when to replace your mattress with a new one is never easy, but fortunately there are always tell-tale signs to look for to be sure you are ready for a better night’s sleep. At The Bed Centre we understand the importance of good night’s sleep, and the cost to your overall health that an old mattress can have on you. Here are a few of the signs to look out for that will allow you to assess the real condition of your mattress: 1. What is the life span of your mattress? The mattress life spans do differ a lot, and when you change your mattress will depend on the type you originally chose. An innerspring mattress contains coil support systems, which can last up to ten years and sometimes even longer if they’re two-sided and can be flipped over. Memory foam mattresses come in a wide variety different materials, and densities. A quality memory foam mattress can last from ten to fifteen years with the right mattress care. The durability of a latex mattress may vary a lot depending on whether you buy a synthetic or organic latex mattress. In some cases latex mattresses have warranties for up to twenty to twenty five years. Hybrid mattresses that are a fusion of foam and innerspring mattresses have a fairly limited life span of approximately six years. A pillow-top may provide an extra layer between you and your mattress, but it won’t necessarily have increased your mattress’ lifespan. A warning sign to look out for is when the extra cushiony layer breaks down over time and then leaves you with an uneven sleeping surface. On the more adventurous side waterbed mattresses traditionally come in two types: (1) hard-side and (2) a soft-side but generally only last for five to ten years. 2. Is your mattress saggy? One of the most obvious signs that your mattress is on its way out is when your mattress forms a dent in the shape of your body. Regardless of whether you are sleeping on a fiber, foam, or pillowtop mattress, all of these materials do break down over time. If your mattress has springs they will also break down in time and eventually sag. Sagging can occur with almost any mattress material besides waterbeds, and can be observed under your sleep area, at the edges, or both. Saggy mattresses are a major cause of sleep disruption as they also often cause aches and pains. You may feel the sag as a “hammock” effect, in the case of memory foam mattress core that have softened. 3. Is your spine aligned? Most people under estimate the importance of proper spinal support and alignment. It is a critical factor in getting optimal sleep. Your spine’s natural S curve should be evident when you’re lying on your mattress if you are a back or stomach sleeper. In cases where the natural s curve is flattened or exaggerated, your mattress is no longer aligning your spine properly. Side sleepers require that your spine should be straight from neck to bottom, in order to get proper support. You can use a yardstick or level to check if there is adequate alignment. In some cases a good pillow may help to correct minor issues. However the red flag that you might need a different mattress is when you can slide a hand in the gap between body and mattress. 4. Do you wake up stiff and sore? A warning sign to really watch out for is when you wake up stiff and sore every day. Do you find that your back pain is worse when you wake but subsides when you stretch and move around? Did you choose a firm mattress originally? A sleeping study from the Kovacs Foundation in Mallorca has found that medium-firm mattresses provide better comfort for chronic low-back pain. At The Bed Centre we recommend that you try sleep testing different types of mattresses before buying if you suffer from pain while sleeping or when waking. 5. Do you suffer from allergies or asthma? You may find your mattress being the culprit, if it is not allergy season and there’s no alternate explanation for an uptick in allergy or asthma symptoms. In some people the protein found in dust mite faeces may cause allergic reactions and asthma attacks. A mattress protector can be used to mitigate the effects of allergies and asthma symptoms. You can also try vacuuming, steaming, and flipping your mattress to help reduce dust and mites to ease your symptoms. If extreme cases where these steps don’t help, getting a new mattress might be the only real solution. 6. Have you gained or lost weight over time? In cases where people sometimes experience a significant gain or loss in weight over the life cycle of your mattress, it definitely alters the effectiveness of your mattress. We find that heavier body types will trigger more wear and tear on springs, foam, and cushioning and all mattress components. Solo sleepers that have gained a partner in your bed, may find that your mattress might not offer adequate sleep surface or support for all the extra weight. Knowing how often you should replace your mattress is simpler with The Bed Centre, because we ensure you have the right information and the highest quality products to suit all your sleeping requirements!

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